Soldaten- oder Maskenkibitz
(Vanellus miles)

Was fliegt denn da?

Allgemeine Informationen

Name: Soldatenkiebitz, Maskenkiebitz (D), Spur-winged Plover, Masked Lapwing (UK)
Familie: Regenpfeifer (Charadriidae)
Vorkommen: Australien
Flügelspannweite: 85 cm

Soldatenkiebitz Vanellus miles Soldatenkiebitz Vanellus miles
Location: Phillip Island (VIC), Australien
Foto: Steven Blum
Location: Phillip Island (VIC), Australien
Foto: Steven Blum


Soldatenkiebitze (Vanellus miles), auch Maskenkiebitze genannt, bewohnen kurzgrasiges, offenes Gelände, Kulturland und Parkanlagen. Typisch sind die großen Gesichtslappen und der gelbe Schnabel. Sie leben monogam und fressen Wirbellose sowie selten auch Samen und Blätter. Meist warten sie regungslos, bis die Beute auftaucht, um sie mit einem kurzen Sprint zu fangen. Sie bauen einfache Bodennester, in die sie ca. 4 Eier legen, die 28-30 Tage bebrütet werden.

Spur-winged plovers (Vanellus miles), also known as Masked lapwings, inhabit open areas with short grasses, cultivated landscapes and parks. Typical traits of the lapwings are their yellow wattles and their yellow bills. They are monogamous and feed an invertebrates and occasionally also on seeds and leaves. Usually they keep very still waiting for their prey to emerge, before bursting into a short sprint to catch it. They build simple nests on the ground, in which they lay 4 eggs, with a broading period of 28-30 days that follows.

Arten der Gattung Vanellus

Vanellus albiceps Gould 1834
Vanellus armatus (Burchell, 1822)
Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782)
Vanellus cinereus (Blyth, 1842)
Vanellus coronatus (Boddaert, 1783)
Vanellus crassirostris (Hartlaub, 1855)
Vanellus duvaucelii (Lesson, 1826)
Vanellus gregarius (Pallas, 1771)
Vanellus indicus (Boddaert, 1783)
Vanellus leucurus (Lichtenstein, 1823)
Vanellus lugubris (Lesson, 1826)
Vanellus macropterus (Wagler, 1827)
Vanellus malabaricus (Boddaert, 1783)
Vanellus melanocephalus (Ruppell, 1845)
Vanellus melanopterus (Cretzschmar, 1829)
Vanellus miles (Boddaert, 1783)
Vanellus resplendens (Tschudi, 1843)
Vanellus senegallus (Linnaeus, 1766)
Vanellus spinosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Vanellus superciliosus (Reichenow, 1886)
Vanellus tectus (Boddaert, 1783)
Vanellus tricolor (Vieillot, 1818)
Vanellus vanellus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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If you have any additional information about the Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles please leave us a comment below. Thank you!

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